Social activity Gelius

Holiday is important for every child

Many people, despite all the troubles, look forward to the New Year holidays more than anything else. Since early childhood, the approach of St. Nicholas Day and the New Year was for everyone an exciting anticipation of surprises and the fulfillment of dreams. Sweets, joys and a feeling of home comfort and family warmth.

However, sometimes circumstances develop in such a way that someone is forced to spend fabulous holidays within the walls of the hospital. Of course, these prospects are apt to upset both children and their parents.

Therefore, this year the Gelius brand wanted to support children who will celebrate holidays and spend them in oncology hospitals.

We handed over 60 gifts for children under the care of the "Zaporuka" charitable foundation. The gifts cheered up the children who are currently in the Cancer Institute and the Department of Neurosurgery in Okhmatdyt.

We are extremely grateful to the employees of the foundation for their important work during the year! We are very happy to be involved in good causes.

We wish the children a speedy recovery and good health!

Holiday is important for every child

Holiday is important for every child

Holiday is important for every child

Holiday is important for every child

Holiday is important for every child
