Gelius Stork is fundamentally different from other blogger sets, first of all, with a unique tripod that provides ample opportunities for placing a smartphone or camera.
У нас на огляді одна із нових моделей додаткових батарей під назвою Gelius Pro Velcro выд українського бренду смарт гаджетів та мобільних аксесуарів Gelius.
53 winners of the drawing from different parts of Ukraine have already received cool gadgets as a gift! And the main prizes were one of three electric scooters and one of 50 backpacks.
We recently visited the wonderful studio of the "PravdaHERE" TV channel! We were very happy to talk and share the new products of the Ukrainian brand Gelius.
Gelius Pro Conqueror is a new generation wireless gamepad that will allow you to immerse yourself in your favorite games on your smartphone with the maximum level of comfort.
Action for the Independence Day of Ukraine from Gelius
August 24 is a significant event for every conscientious citizen of Ukraine. Our state will celebrate an important anniversary - 30 years of independence.
GIVING Gelius Pro Smart Rope Kangaroo 2 for the comment
It would seem that what could be interesting in a skipping rope? And in principle, a skipping rope is the simplest thing. But even such an ordinary sports device can be turned into something more interesting and significant.