
How to find out how worn out the battery is on Android?


Using a smartphone leads to gradual deterioration of the battery. No matter how you take care of your mobile phone, the battery is subject to wear, losing its capacity and depleting faster with each use.

Android smartphone users often wonder when a battery needs to be replaced.

Visual battery check

Each user can easily know the status of the battery at any time and detect its main fault problems. First you need to understand whether it is possible to manually remove the back panel of a mobile phone.

Assuming the battery is removable, you can try the following:

  • Check contacts.
    To do this, you need to turn off the device, remove the cover and check the metal batteries for corrosion. If white or green spots are found, this indicates battery wear.
  • Bloating.
    If the smartphone case itself looks inflated, then further operation of the battery is prohibited. Such deformation poses a threat to the safety of the user, which can lead to fires and the release of hazardous substances. Swollen batteries must be recycled.
  • Help multimeter.
    This device is able to recognize the voltage level of the battery. But his help is not always needed. The multimeter measures the voltage of a fully charged battery at the contacts.

With non-removable batteries:

If the design of the smartphone is not disassembled, which is typical for expensive and modern models, you should not try to do this.

If deformations are found on the back cover of the mobile phone, the battery must also be disposed of. If the smartphone noticeably heats up when loading different programs, then this is also due to the battery. The device can be completely unloaded and remain hot.

Important! Having found corrosion on the contacts, swelling of the rear panel of the case and severe overheating, the obsolete battery should be disposed of with subsequent replacement.

How to find out how worn out the battery is on Android?

Decreased battery capacity: how to check?

Lithium type batteries tend to wear out with each discharge cycle, which is a natural aging process. There are also other nuances that can aggravate the wear process.

If you leave your phone in the sun or use it in severe sub-zero temperatures, these are the main factors contributing to the likelihood of premature battery swelling.

How much does the battery charge decrease?

The easiest way to find out about the loss or decrease in battery capacity is to carefully monitor how quickly it is discharged. If the smartphone is not loaded with the work of programs and applications, and the battery runs down to 10-0% in a couple of hours, this is a clear sign of wear and tear.

Note. Healthy devices should not discharge more than 2% per hour in standby mode. It is quite normal if the phone can discharge up to 6% overnight.

How to accurately check the battery of a smartphone?

Google has created a special program on its site that monitors the level of charge and the state of the battery of the smartphone.

Some mobile phones are able to show whole statistics on wear and temperature parameters. This is possible through the specialized service menu of the built-in utility. Also, information about the battery status can be shown by mobile applications that can be installed from the Play Market.

Do I need to create a super user account Root?

Mobile applications can request Root rights, which will help you log into the program and get extensive statistics on the tested battery. Installing Root is optional, since normal use can clearly indicate the level of battery wear.


Basically, as a rule, all kinds of installed programs that can be active in the background affect the rapid loss of smartphone charge. It is also affected by errors and incorrectly configured parameters.

Certain applications will allow you to understand what the problem is and see the battery status in Android. It is important to understand that only visual inspection and testing determines the exact indicators of battery wear.
