Ukrainian brand Gelius helps children fight cancer
In Kyiv, for more than 10 years, Dacha has been helping children from all over Ukraine fight cancer. Dacha is one of the Zaporuka Charitable Foundation assistance projects.
In a large, cozy and warm house, 6 families can live at the same time. These are 6 children with their relatives and friends from different parts of our country who came to Kyiv for treatment, are waiting for the next chemotherapy or surgery.
Project "Dacha" is a special place! This is a place where children and adults can feel calm and at ease after exhausting and painful injections and procedures.
In this place, kind and motivating recovery stories are shared that inspire other families. There is a complete atmosphere of trust and love.
Our team sincerely decided to support the children and, to cheer them up, visited them with gifts and smart gadgets.
In the last news on our blog, we talked about Misha, who chose a useful device for his health instead of an entertaining gadget.
This story touched us very much and we decided to help him.
The boy has already completed the main protocol. The operation, unfortunately, is impossible: the growth of the tumor and metastases can only be stopped with the help of the immunotherapeutic drug Keytruda. The cost of one bottle is more than 50 thousand hryvnia.
Today we share our good news with you. The Gelius brand decided to help Misha and his family financially, and thus we helped to close the fundraising for the expensive Keytruda medicine.
We believe in Misha and sincerely wish him good health!
By changing one life, we change the whole world!
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