
How do magnetic smartphone holders work?


A car holder for a mobile phone is a very useful and practical device for all car drivers. Its convenience has been tested in practice: when using a smartphone as a navigator, when it is safely installed in a car, the device is available at any time, as well as for the correct overview and visibility of the information displayed on the phone screen.

To date, you can find many good car holders for smartphones, including magnetic ones, which have proven themselves among car owners.

Not so long ago, more common devices were simple holders with special clips that allow you to cover and fix the entire body of a mobile phone. With the development of technology, manufacturers have introduced a new, wonderful idea, embodied in the magnetic mechanism of car holders.

What is the principle of operation of a magnetic holder for a car?

The main factor determining the functionality of such devices is the magnetic attraction of the mobile phone case to the platform of the car holder.

The action of the magnet on the plastic case is carried out thanks to a thin metal plate. This plate provides the necessary coupling of the car holder and smartphone. Usually, this part comes with a magnetic accessory.

How to properly install a magnetic plate on a smartphone?

The plate is easily placed on the back of the smartphone or under a protective case.

To do this, you need to follow a few simple steps:

  1. Degrease the surface of the smartphone case or protective case.
  2. Remove the protective film from the magnetic plate.
  3. Next, you need to place a metal plate on the body or case of the gadget.
  4. Then install the car holder in a place convenient for the driver.
  5. Install the smartphone with the glued plate in the car holder.

This will securely fix the smartphone in the holder, pulling it with a magnet.

How do magnetic smartphone holders work?

Where is the best place to install a magnetic holder in a car?

One of the ways to attach a car accessory with maximum capabilities and ease of use is the option of attaching it with double-sided tape. As a rule, such models of holders have compact dimensions and a variety of installations:

  • On the windshield of a car.
  • On the door "windows".
  • On the dashboard of the car in a vertical way.
  • Horizontally on the dashboard of the torpedo.

The advantage of magnetic accessories is the convenience of placing devices on any surface. The only impossible place to install the holder is the ventilation grate.

Popular questions about magnetic accessories in cars

How are the magnets distributed in the car holder?

Magnets are placed directly in the body of the car accessory. Metal round plates provide fastening of devices. When using a smartphone with a plate installed outside the holder, small objects are not magnetized to the device (paper clips, pins, coins, etc.).

What magnets are used for car holders?

For the manufacture of high-quality car accessories, manufacturers use a certain type of magnet - neodymium. This magnet has excellent durability and powerful force of attraction.

In addition, neodymium magnets are durable: the consumption of their magnetic properties falls on 1-2% within 10 years.

How many magnets are used for the car holder?

To make high-quality car accessories, a certain number of neodymium magnets are used, namely 4 or more in 2 rows. Magnets are made in a round shape. This provides an excellent grip of the plate with the smartphone.

Car tablet holders tend to have more built-in magnets.

How do magnetic smartphone holders work?

Where is it better to install a metal plate: over a case or smartphone cover?

The installation of a round plate is possible both on the case and on the smartphone itself. In this case, you can build on the convenience for the driver.

Note. Direct connection of the metal plate to the car holder is a more durable and reliable way. The density of the cover reduces the magnetic connection, so it is better to place the plate on top of the mobile accessory.


Magnetic car accessories are universal devices for the comfort of the driver in the car. Such accessories are designed for use with almost all modern smartphones. One of the key advantages of the car holder is easy one-hand operation and compactness of the device.

The magnetic type holder can be used with several smartphones at once, provided that there is an appropriate number of metal plates.
