
The Gelius brand received the distinction of the winner in the National competition "Charity Ukraine 2022".

The Ukrainian brand of smart gadgets and mobile accessories Gelius began its development in 2018. The key mission of the Gelius brand has always been joy, satisfaction of needs and benefit to people. The primary goal of the team is still to provide quality service to all customers with support at all stages.

The singer Zlata Ognevich supports the Ukrainian brand Gelius

ZLATA OGNEVICH is a famous singer, author and possessor of an incredible voice that mesmerizes and flows from the soul of the singer to the listeners.

Social activity GeliusNews
Charity project "Unbreakable mother: gifts for donations"

For several years now, the words corporate social responsibility have been filled with not only a deep meaning for us, but also a response in the hearts of the Gelius brand team.

Social activity GeliusNews
The results of charitable projects for 2022

We thank each client and partner for their cooperation in 2022. This year taught us to appreciate the simple things and life.

Happy Independence Day, Ukraine!

The Ukrainian brand Gelius and its team congratulate every Ukrainian man and woman on such an important holiday of freedom - Happy Independence Day of Ukraine!

Discount on products from Gelius for servicemen and police officers of Ukraine

Ukraine is a strong state, the power and humanity of which sweeps away all obstacles on its way. Ukraine is a nation that is able to prove its strength by its actions!

NewsSocial activity Gelius
Charitable project "For Life"

There is nothing more valuable than human life. Today, more than ever, this statement is relevant because, for more than a month, each of us has been forced to defend our right to existence and life.

The online store of the Ukrainian brand Gelius has resumed its work!

Ukraine now has difficult obstacles for many who want to engage in those activities and work that provide bread in their territory.

Our strength is in humanity, unity and mutual support!

Our strength is in humanity, unity and mutual support! Ukraine is a powerful state that proves its strength through the deeds of its children, who are faithful and love their home with all their hearts!

Address by Oleksiy Pyatnitsa, founder of the Ukrainian brand Gelius

Dear friends and compatriots! I am turning to you in this difficult time, which has affected every Ukrainian so much!

NewsSocial activity Gelius
Documentary film about the Dacha charitable project

On February 15, 2022, we attended the pre-premiere screening of the documentary film "Dacha".

NewsSocial activity Gelius
Social projects of the Gelius brand for 2021

Another year has passed, filled with daily business routine for each of us.

NewsSocial activity Gelius
Support for #ShchedryyVivtorokDity from the Zaporuka Charitable Foundation and the Zagoriy Foundation

At the end of December, the voting for the "Lessons of Kindness" was completed, which was held by 180 schools and kindergartens from all over Ukraine to support the All-Ukrainian Day of Good Deeds.

NewsSocial activity Gelius
New Year's miracle for children from the Gelius team

One of the pleasant traditions for us was the congratulations of our wards on the upcoming New Year holidays.

All-Ukrainian vocal competition Star Holiday Fest

The Ukrainian brand of gadgets Gelius has become the general partner of the 5th anniversary season of the All-Ukrainian vocal competition "Star Holiday Fest",

NewsSocial activity Gelius
Participation in the ceremony of DONORUA AWARDS 2021

The Ukrainian brand Gelius actively supports the development of the donor movement in Ukraine, so on June 12 we took part in the DONORUA AWARDS ceremony.

NewsSocial activity Gelius
A run under the chestnut trees: support and participation of the Gelius team

30 травня відбувся 28-й щорічний “Пробіг під каштанами”, присвячений Дню Києва. Бренд Gelius приєднався до спортивно-благодійного проєкту як призовий партнер.

NewsSocial activity Gelius
A pleasant surprise for the wards of the "Zaporuka" charitable foundation

Do you remember our history of support for BF "Zaporuka" and their Center "Dacha"? We are incredibly happy to announce that we have already transferred the entire necessary amount - UAH 250,000 for the repair of one of the 14 rooms in the new premises of the center.

NewsSocial activity Gelius
Results of the joint initiative "Donate blood because I can!"

Today we have a holiday! No, it's not about World Gadget Day. We are talking about a holiday that we create together with you.

NewsSocial activity Gelius
Gadgets for distance learning in the "City of Happy Children"

The Gelius brand continues to support the "City of Happy Children" charity center and their small wards.