
NewsSocial activity Gelius
The Gelius brand fulfilled Max's dream of making a video review

Our monthly support of the "Zaporuka" charitable foundation is not limited to financial support.

NewsSocial activity Gelius
DonorUA and the Gelius brand launched the initiative "Donate blood because I can!"

During the quarantine period, donor blood is needed more than ever. Doctors can save a patient's life, even if he has lost about 70% of his blood.

NewsSocial activity Gelius
Gelius supports

Friends, we want to share important news with you! The Gelius brand became a partner of and now supports the bonus program for donors throughout Ukraine.

Filming of the commercial for Apple AirPods took place in Kyiv

The largest corporation Apple is the official manufacturer of various smart gadgets (personal PCs, tablets, smartphones, audio players, smart watches, headphones), as well as digital content and software.

Ultra-modern sneakers on a 3D printer

One of the most popular sports shoe brands, New Balance, has presented a unique sneaker in an ultra-modern format.

The most unusual phones from AliExpress

Some modern users are actively following the latest innovations among the well-known flagships.

Latest news of top smart watches

The whole world is facing a large-scale epidemic of the coronavirus. The first half of the current 2020 presented the opportunity for a 20% growth of the business segment from the category of electronic smart watches.