Social activity Gelius

Social activity Gelius
Let's do good together for the sake of saving Yaryk

Childhood is an important period for everyone, it should be bright, kind and warm. Unfortunately, not everyone manages to experience all the wonderful moments of this carefree time.

Social activity Gelius
Ukrainian brand Gelius helps children fight cancer

In Kyiv, for more than 10 years, Dacha has been helping children from all over Ukraine fight cancer. Dacha is one of the Zaporuka Charitable Foundation assistance projects.

Social activity Gelius
The energy of good Gelius is charging!

The Gelius brand is people who live, rejoice, love, support each other. Children are also in great need of support.

Social activity Gelius
Gelius visited the "City of Happy Children" charity organization

The Gelius brand is not only a national manufacturer of cool gadgets. This is a brand that takes an active social position and supports charitable projects.